Lebanon Valley
Community Corporation
Formed in 2023 to provide for the exclusively charitable or public purposes of fostering the community and economic well-being of the Town of New Lebanon and its residents.
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In 2024, we raised over $22,000.00 and were able to support all of our projects.
Through the Backpack Program, which is part of the Northeast New York Regional Foodbank, we were able to support four children during the 2024/25 school year. Each week the backpack program provides children in need a bag filled with nonperishable food as well as bread and produce.
In 2024, we activated our Disaster Relief program to assist a family in New Lebanon whose home was destroyed by fire in December. We have plans to expand this program in 2025 to include online fundraising for families displaced from their home by a natural or accidental disaster.
The NL Holiday Gift Drive was a testament to the spirit of giving within our community. We helped to provide 59 children with toys and clothing. We were also able to issue 25 gift certificates for 25 families in the Lebanon Valley. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Hilltown Pork, who generously matched the gift certificate amounts.
Donated SCHOOL SUPPLIES to New Lebanon School District students
Sponsored five campers in the SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM and swimming for four campers
Gave a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SCHOLARSHIP to a student going into a local trade school
Contributed to and sponsored a grant for the CYPRESS HILL CEMETERY RESTORATION
Current and Ongoing LVCC Projects
The LVCC raises money for both sustaining and seasonal projects. Our donation page allows you to earmark your tax deductible contribution for one of our worthy projects.
Donor Names will be acknowledged on this website or in our newsletters. If you do not wish to have your name included, you have the option of donating anonymously.
Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
Youth Activity Programs
The LVCC raises money to support youth activities in New Lebanon, including assisting qualified families with children who want to attend the 8-week summer youth program at Shatford Park. Applicants must prove financial need by showing proof that they receive SNAP benefits. Depending upon money raised, the LVCC will support all or part of each applicant’s camp fees and other youth projects as they become available.
Disaster Relief Fund
The LVCC will help support an individual or family who has lost his/her/their home due to a tragic event. We not only contribute to the residents, but we help raise money from our caring residents to help during the crisis.
Inclusive Playground at Shatford Park
Help us raise money for an inclusive playground that will welcome all residents and their caretakers to the park. More than just ADA compliant, an inclusive playground welcomes children of all abilities to learn and play together. At present, there is no inclusive playground in all of Columbia County and many of our surrounding towns.
School Supplies Drive
For the 2024-25 school year, the LVCC raised money to purchase school supplies for the children of both New Lebanon schools. Needs are ongoing. Consider donating.
Friends of Cypress Hill Fund
LVCC partners with the Cemetery of the Evergreens and the Daughters of the American Revolution, the NL Town Historian, the Floyd Carlton Post of the American legion and others in the community to help restore Cypress Hill, a neglected section of The Cemetery of the Evergreens, and a final resting place for numerous Revolutionary War Veterans. Please consider donating to this worthy cause.
New Lebanon Children’s Food Bank Fund
Working with the Backpack program to make sure that all New Lebanon families have access to nutritional meals.
Annual Holiday Gift Drive
Starting in 2023, LVCC sponsors New Lebanon’s annual Holiday Gift drive, providing holiday gifts to New Lebanon families in need.
Tax-deductible donations for the holiday gift drive can be made via PayPal or a check can be made out to the Lebanon Valley Community Corporation and mailed to P.O. Box 74, New Lebanon, NY 12125. Please make sure to write Holiday Gift Drive in the memo section of your check.
LVCC General Fund
The LVCC is always available to help worthy New Lebanon causes. If you do not have a specific project in mind, considering donating to our General Fund.
To learn more or volunteer, contact info@lebanonvalleycc.org or to make a donation you can also send a check made out to the Lebanon Valley Community Corporation and mail it to PO Box 74, New Lebanon, NY 12125.
What We Do
The LVCC provides for the exclusively charitable or public purposes of fostering the community and economic well-being of the Town of New Lebanon and its residents, and in pursuit of that purpose, its activities will include but not be limited to fundraising for, planning, operating, and promoting projects that make businesses more sustainable, creating and protecting good jobs, building and maintaining housing, encouraging tourism, rehabilitating historical resources, creating and improving infrastructure, protecting the natural landscape and environment, ameliorating community appearance, relieving poverty and distress, and disseminating information.
Our Story
The Lebanon Valley Community Corporation (LVCC) was formed in early 2023. It consists of five Trustees and three Advisors. Meetings are held monthly to discuss current and future projects.
We are a 501(C)3 Charitable Organization. All donations are fully tax deductible and most appreciated.
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Stay informed. Email info@lebanonvalleycc.org and ask to be put on our mailing list to receive our quarterly newsletter or access it from the link above.